Strathfield Men’s Shed

The Strathfield Mens Shed committee is currently upgrading and or putting together procedures for cleaning, sign-in and health requirements to comply with the ever increasing demands of insurance. We ask that you are all patient and continue to support the committee in this ever-demanding tasks.

On arrival all members are required to sign in and pay their $2 for attendance on the day. When your day is over, please don’t forget to sign out.

Given the ongoing risk associated with Covid 19, influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), etc, we would ask anyone who is not well, or suspect themselves of not being well, not come into the shed during that illness. We have a vulnerable population of members that cannot afford to be subjected to these illnesses. Thanks for your support,

Members on the tools …

Members and committee are investing lots of time and effort in maintaining the shed for it’s members.


Strathfield Mens Shed provides a facility that empowers men of all ages to socialise and do things in a practical way. Participation is encouraged to develop good self-esteem, respect for each other and to support our local community projects.

Members may learn and share skills such as woodworking, wood turning, metalwork and other hand crafts, all in a safe manner.

Mens Sheds are places of encouragement for all to take an interest in their own health and well-being. Good health, with a very big emphasis on mental health, is also based on many factors and becoming a member of a Mens Shed gives a person that safe and busy environment where many of these things can be found in an atmosphere of old-fashioned mateship and, importantly, there is no pressure.

You can just come and have a yarn and a cuppa if that is all you’re looking for.

Members come from all walks of life – the bond that unites them is often they are people with time on their hands and who would like to do something meaningful with that time.

If a man’s shed is his castle, then the Strathfield Mens Shed is his kingdom. If you would like to share your skills or just to have a chat, then drop by.

All visitors are welcome.

We are normally open Wednesday and Saturdays 10am – 4pm.

The modern Mens Shed is an updated version of the shed in the backyard that has long been a part of Australian culture.