Strathfield Mens Shed inc. Newsletter – Mid June, 2020

Gentlemen, it’s good to be back in The Shed after the forced shutdown. When I look at the grim situation in other countries, I can see that it was warranted. We are not completely clear of Covit-19 and Winter still has its course to run. At The Shed, those who have returned are keeping their distance and using the correct cleaning procedures. In the Common Room Michael O’Connor has been wiping everything within reach.

The photos below show some of our Members who have been back to bring our Shed back to the way it is supposed to be – noisy, maybe but real action again.

Before our opening day, there was a big clean up to make sure all was clean and safe. Thanks to Ken adequate supplies of cleaning liquids and gear was on hand, then to finish – some lunch. The great team that came must also be thanked: Nick, Gabriel, Matthew, Michael, Yves, Kerry, Chris, and Tim. I hope I have included everyone.

There has been no indication that Bunnings stores are ready to start Saturday barbecues yet. When they do, notice will be given and there will be a call for helpers. We need the barbecues to keep the financial side healthy.

Our calendar shows that a Members General meeting is due on Wednesday 24th June. This is the end of the Financial Year and Membership Renewals may be made from July 1. If you wish to have a matter included on the agenda it can be sent by email in the days ahead on This is your chance to raise matters that you wish to know more about or suggestions to improve the culture of our Shed. Members’ Meeting are to keep you informed about all matters in regard to the running of the Shed. Starting at 12.00 noon to allow some work before it starts.

Please have a thought about standing for one of the positions. Eligibility for the Committee is to be a member for two previous Annual General meetings. Just ask if you are not certain about your eligibility. Nominations must be in by 4.00pm 1st August.

Members General Meeting
Wednesday 24th June, 2020.
12.00 noon.

Annual General Meeting and
Election of Officers
Satuurday 8th August, 2020.
12.00 noon.


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