Strathfield Men’s Shed is open again!

Saturday 6th of June marked the re-opening of our Men’s Shed. The committee spent some time in the proceeding week putting together procedures for cleaning, sign-in, and health requirements and the day went smoothly with everyone playing their part.

On arrival all members are subject to a temperature check by the duty officer of the day to help reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19 along with the usual sign-in – and now sign-out – routine required by NSW Health to allow easier contact tracing in case anyone who visited the shed is found to have been infected.

Given the ongoing risk associated with Covid 19 we would ask anyone who is not a member who would like to join, to call before they come (Wednesday and Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm) and arrange their visit with the duty officer please.

Members back on the tools at last…
Members and committee are investing lots of time and effort in sanitising the most used spaces in the shed.

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