Strathfield Mens Shed inc. Newsletter

Mens health

Hand sanitizer is at various locations throughout the shed but is not being used enough. Men appear to be lax in this regard, so don’t forget on entry and before leaving – sanitise.

Please stay away from The Shed if you are feeling unwell or may have been in places where infections are known to have been spread

How long is it since you had a health check? Men are renowned for overlooking regular check-ups. Don’t overlook your most important piece of preventative maintenance. Have a look at AMSA’s health promotion program ‘Spanner in the Works’.
Read more here at where you’ll also find a handy ‘symptom checker’ tool.

The Shed Wireless

Find out more about what other Shedders are thinking and doing at

or Listen and subscribe to The Shed Wireless here:

Mister Newsletter

Do you want to know more about mens’issues and have a great resource at your fingertips? Look at the latest issue of Mister Newsletter

By subscribing, you can have the latest issue sent straight to you.

Men’s Shed Week is Monday 28 September to Sunday 4 October 2020. To celebrate, there will be a challenge for members on 30th Sept. This will be announced soon.

Street Library

Our Street Library is now erected next to our
entry path and has been attracting attention, both for its novelty look and for the books. Kindly decorated with an Australian flavour by Frank’s sister, Madeline. It is the answer to Councillor Karen Pensebene’s request for a street library for a new Early Learning Centre, Woodgreen, in Strathfield. A similar one for them is nearly ready for erection. Any decoration for it will be their own.

Little Free Libraries. Lidcombe Primary School has requested help for their research class to make some Little Free Libraries to put around the school for their students. During the coming term each will try designing and making a cardboard model then put together some made from plywood. A timely donation of suitable plywood offcuts from F.E.Mitchell has helped.

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